Welcome to KAPILA
KAPILA is a scheme that provides financial assistance to the institutions that are part of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for filing patent. KAPILA: Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness, which will create appropriate awareness regarding the need of IP filing, mechanism, and methodology involved in filing IP in India and globally, especially amongst students and faculty of higher education institutions.

IPR Awareness
Recognise, facilitate and felicitate the Intellectual Property, innovations, and best practices in HEIs

Funding Assistance
Get upto 5600 INR Per application for patent filing

IPR Courses
To cater the requirements of students at UG, PG and Ph.D level and to give freedom to institutes and universities to cover breadth and depth of the subject

Economy By Patents
Pushing verticals where economy driven by patents is enabled
The scheme provides financial assistance to the institutions that are part of the Higher Education Institutions for filing patent.
KAPILA: Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness, which will create appropriate awareness regarding the need of IP filing, mechanism, and methodology involved in filing IP in India and globally, especially amongst students and faculty of higher education institutions.
The objective of KAPILA is to recognise, facilitate and felicitate the Intellectual Property, innovations, and best practices in HEIs.
KAPILA will help in establishing the much required IP filing ecosystem in large number of education institutions and thus create a culture of systematically protecting new ideas, research, and innovation having national and global relevance.
Expected Outcomes
- Awareness creation regarding the need of IP filing, mechanism and methodology involved in filing IP in India and globally, especially amongst students and faculty of higher education institutions.
- Establishing the much required IP filing ecosystem in large number of education institutions and creating a culture of systematically protecting new ideas, research, and innovation having national and global relevance.
- Program will set foundation for institute's participation in MoE's Innovation and Entrepreneurship initiatives such as IIC, Hackathons, NISP, National Innovation Contest, and YUKTI 2.0 and related programs at MIC and AICTE.
- Strengthening the connection of institutions located in Himalayan/North Eastern region/Aspirational Districts with national innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem enablers.
- Active participation and involvement of students, faculties and staff Sensitization and vibrant IP filing ecosystem in HEIs
- Filing atleast 15,000 patent applications per year
Application Processing Methodology
- Online submission of shortlisted application details (title of the patent, date of patent filed, applicant /co-applicant details, copy of receipt of the patent application fee) by the institute through KAPILA portal
- Screening/ scrutiny of the submitted applications to check for correctness of data at Institute Level
- The final decision will be taken by the MoE's Innovation Cell (MIC), keeping in view the expert committee's recommendations and the availability of funds for the scheme.
- After the MIC's approval, the total Sanctioned grant will be sent to the institute on reimbursement mode
We are calling HEI's to submit their entries for KAPILA Scheme
Please follow the instructions carefully before filling the online application form
To cater the requirements of students at UG, PG and Ph.D level and to give freedom to institutes and universities to cover breadth and depth of the subject.

Introduction to Intellectual Property - UG

Foundations of Intellectual Property - PG

Intellectual Property and Innovation - PhD
Established KAPILA Institutes across India
- 0 to 50
- 50 to 100
- 100 to 200
- 200 to 300
- 250+
Inventors Category
Male / Female Ratio
Feedback From Institutions
Good Scheme for patent filers.
Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Nagercoil
Motivating program for researchers.
Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davangere
The scheme is opens new dimesion of support in patent and IPR.
Tula's Institute
Its really a wonderful scheme reimbusing the govt fees which certainly motivating the applicants to file applications for patent and making request for the examination of such filed applications.
IIS deemed to be University
Its a great initiative taken by the Ministry of Innovation Cell to create awareness about IPR and patent.
This scheme is really handholding scheme for reseachers,product developers etc.
Haldia Institute of Technology
It is much needed scheme for recording the innovations.
National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) - Thanjavur
Excellent Scheme for students and faculty members.
Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology
Very Excellent Scheme for Innovators.
Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering
Kapila is a very good initiative by MIC. It has helped in improving the IP ecosystem & Awareness regarding IP filing, mechanism, and methodology involved in filing IP in India and globally among students and faculty.